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What is SE® good for?

Symptoms of overwhelm and traumatic stress

Traumatic symptoms are not caused by the triggering event itself. They arise when the disturbance in the autonomic nervous system's self-regulation and our physiology prevents the discharge of survival energy, leaving it trapped in the body. Each time we are unable to return to a relaxed, "normal" state, our nervous system becomes more hypersensitive or less responsive, increasing the likelihood that events or experiences that previously wouldn’t have affected us will now have an impact.

Over time - months or even years later - the following symptoms may emerge:

  • Rapid heartbeat, breathing difficulties, dizziness

  • Hypervigilance (heightened alertness, constant “watchfulness”)

  • Hyperactivity

  • Extreme sensitivity to light, sound, or touch

  • Involuntary movements: tics, twitching of limbs

  • Anxiety, including chronic, low-level anxiety

  • Panic attacks, phobias

  • Fear and terror

  • Involuntary and intrusive images, or sudden flashbacks

  • Overly emotional reactions

  • Insomnia, non-restorative sleep, nightmares, night terrors

  • Psychosomatic illnesses, especially certain types of headaches, migraines, neck and back problems

  • Muscle weakness, muscle pain, e.g., fibromyalgia, myofascial pain

  • Menstrual problems (e.g., severe premenstrual syndrome)

  • Digestive issues, e.g., irritable bowel syndrome, colon cramps

  • Immune system problems

  • Skin conditions

  • Environmental sensitivities

  • Physical, mental, or emotional exhaustion

  • Sudden mood swings: for example, angry reactions or outbursts, feelings of shame

  • Feelings of helplessness and powerlessness

  • Indecisiveness and feeling overwhelmed

  • Mental "blackouts" or confusion

  • Memory loss or forgetfulness

  • Inability to commit

  • Attraction to dangerous situations

  • Addictive behaviors: smoking, alcohol dependence, drug use

  • Avoidant behavior (avoiding certain circumstances): avoiding places, activities, memories, situations, or people

  • Loss of the ability to love, care, or connect with others

Since Somatic Experiencing® works directly with the neurophysiology of the body to aid in regulating the nervous system and its effects on the endocrine and immune systems, these symptoms can gradually lessen.

Who uses SE®?

Worldwide, over 5,000 practitioners use SE® in a variety of fields. SE® practitioners include psychotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, nurses, craniosacral therapists, Rolfing® practitioners, EMDR practitioners, acupuncturists, art therapists, massage and physical therapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths. SE® can be easily integrated into both psychotherapeutic and body-oriented therapies and is highly effective as a stand-alone approach.


Somatic Experiencing Hungary


2045 Törökbálint, Fácán u. 144/2a.

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 Somatic Experiencing Hungary

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