SE Hungary
SE Hungary was established to make Peter Levine's work accessible in Hungary, thereby enriching the toolkit for trauma processing with a gentle and highly effective methodology.
Most of our programs are focused on training professionals through a three-year professional training and weekend workshops, and we also value organizing evenings and workshops that are open to anyone wishing to reconnect with themselves and the world.
Our Trainers
Trainer, SEI Faculty Member, body-focused therapist and Rolfer holding SE® trainings all over Europe
Anne Janzen is a body-oriented therapist and Rolfer, working in private practice since 1997. She has participated in several 'post-advanced' SE® courses led by Peter A. Levine, Heike Gattnar, Kathy Kain, and other SE® trainers. She joined the European SE® training team in 2014.
Dominique Degranges
Body-oriented psychotherapist, consultant, trainer, SE® Trainer
A French native, Dominique Degranges has an educational background in painting and Anthroposophy.
He began his psychiatric practice in art and counseling therapy 1981 and from 1984-1992 he studied process-oriented psychotherapy with Arnold Mindell, focusing with Eugene Gendlin, and polarity therapy.
Giselle Genillard
Founder and leader of SOS Internationale, one of the teachers of our Introductory Workshops.
Giselle introduced Peter Levine's work to England and France. She specializes in post-traumatic disorders in children and adults, war situations, and high-stress life circumstances.
SE Trainer, SEI Faculty member
After meeting Peter Levine, her professional focus shifted to trauma therapy using Somatic Experiencing®. She has co-led several trainings with Peter Levine in Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, and Israel, and she is a trainer for the 3-year Professional Training program in Germany.
Fácán u. 144/2a, Törökbálint 2045 - Hungary
PORDÁN, Boróka
After graduating as an agricultural engineer in Gödöllő, she became an equine culture instructor at the University of Physical Education. Following her studies, she began working at the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, then left public administration to manage a 16-hectare horse farm in Pest County. After that, she focused on organizing the administrative and financial aspects of small businesses, and since 2021, she has been involved in organizing programs and events that support self-awareness and self-development.
Throughout her therapeutic journey, she has tried many methods ranging from traditional individual therapy to body-awareness oriented and horse-assisted individual and group techniques, as well as intimacy-focused practices.
Since the fall of 2022, she has been working with Eszter Kovács to establish the Somatic Experiencing® community in Hungary. During this time, she participated in two Introductory Workshops and helped organize the 3rd to 6th Modules of the first SE® Training in Hungary.
Who are we?
KOVÁCS, Eszter
She began working as an architect, but her focus gradually shifted toward creating a sense of home within.
Her experience with Somatic Experiencing® inspired her to found SE Hungary, and she is working to bring the knowledge of the professionals she has met through this practice back home, making Peter Levine's work available in Hungary.
Eszter lives in Nagymaros, and when she’s not organizing training, she enjoys long walks in the nearby forests with her dog, Leon.
Ariel Giarretto
SEP, LMFT, MS, SE® trainer, somatic sex educator
Her practice is located in Oakland, California, she is a senior trainer at Somatic Experiencing® International and conducts training for professionals worldwide. Ariel has been working in the world of body-focused trauma processing for over 20 years.