Zlata Koštejnová
SEP, Senior Assistant
Zlata obtained her SEP certification in 2013 and she is a member of the Czech Republic's assistant team since then. She is a co-founder and current president of the Czech Somatic Experiencing® Association and a member of the European Association of Somatic Experiencing® (EASE). She is also an SE® supervisor.
Her professional background includes a university degree in social pedagogy and another in public administration with a focus on social policy.
Other completed training and competencies include craniosacral therapy (postgraduate training with Bhadrena Tschumi Gemin, Giorgia Milne, and Charles Ridley), Emotion Aid® facilitator, crisis intervention, treatment of dissociative disorders (Kathy Steele), ego state therapy (Maggie Phillips), working with childhood trauma (Maggie Kline), working with prenatal and perinatal trauma (Reneé Portgieter), Energy Fields advanced training, and Ancestral and Developmental Trauma with Peter Levine.
She has experience working with children and teenagers as a teacher, and now works in private practice with both adults and children. Zlata organizes workshops in the Czech Republic with Maggie Kline and also runs EmotionAid® in her home country.
"I believe that SE® is a way to heal the world."